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英鎊交易省匯差 出貨快速

GO1BUY1 評價破七百五星賣家 
​報價及時回覆 無平台費


Image by Heidi Fin

​代購服務 包含英國歐美多項品牌衣服鞋類化妝品等

​Purchasing service specialises on British clothing, footwear or cosmetics brands


  • 眾多商品0%代購費*,信用卡付款方便安全


  • 集貨到台灣運費£ 9起  其他國家£25起 到貨快2-4周

  • 英鎊付款 ​匯率最佳


  • 可依意願加貨運保險,免費包保險 £ 50*


  • 官網買正品貨不怕假貨

Why to choose us

We offer less than 12% service fee* for purchasing of most products + convenient and safe credit card payments

International shipping rate starting from £9

​For payments in GBP best exchange rates

Shipping insurance can be added on request, free insurance up to £50*

100% genuine products

Girl with Shopping Bags

什麼是跨境購物服務 What is Personal Cross Border Shopping Service


Personal cross-border shopping service provides an excellent and comfortable shopping experience for our international clients.

Catering to our most discerning customers designed to meet overseas clients' individual needs.

​代購服務 包含英美歐多項品牌男女衣服、鞋類、化妝品、幼兒服飾等 

​We will help you to purchase many British brands specialising in men’s and women’s clothing, footwear, cosmetics, children’s clothing, etc. Buying directly from the UK is more affordable and offers more selection of products than purchasing UK brands overseas.

代購服務價格計算 Purchasing Service Price Calculation

商品英國總金額£  x  ( 1 + 0% 或 12 % 服務費*)  +  英國運費£   + 國際運費與相關稅金£  +    (保費£) = 總英鎊價格£
Product Price £ x ( 1 + 0​% or 12 % Service Charge*) + UK Shipping Cost £ + International Shipping &  Customs Duty and Tax £ + (Insurance £) = Total Price £



  • 代購商品與服務費說明:


  1. 0% :  男女服飾鞋品之類凡認可代購之商品皆不需任何代購服務費,買家請先詢問。


  2. 12% : 凡嬰幼兒服飾鞋、、書、或是超額未能配合之店家商品等皆須加上商品價格12%服務費。

  • 商品英國價格:網站顯示之商品金額,實體店家之實際賣價。若有折扣碼請先提供。


  • 英國境內運費:網路購物一般商品英境運費落在 £3~ £6左右。


  • 國際運費:

    集運箱首公斤 £9英鎊起  每半公斤加5英鎊 依照【重量】或【材積】孰大計算  

    材積重計算: 長x寬x高/5000


    材積重: 將包裹的立方體積(公分)除以 5000


  • 相關稅金:



  • 保費 :

    ※貨物遺失保險包每件£50英鎊 最高一貨運包£100  

  • ※高價值品可依意願加保買家自由意願加保多少價值貨運保險,保費會影響到可能的進口關稅。

  • ※若包裹遺失將退還給買家。


  • ※7-11店到店最高只保障5000元台幣


  • 付款 :



  • 關稅:



 ~代購條款與運送須知 Delivery and Return  T&C's~


[到貨時間] 收到商品出貨到貨時間約5-14個工作天 

[貨物遺失保險保費] #免費加保險每件£50保險價值 每一貨運單最高包£100保險價值 若遺失依照保額賠償# #7-11店到店官方賠償政策最高只到台幣5000元# #高價值產品 可依照意願加保貨品價值 #





[包裝] 商品包裝採取環保方式。若有特殊包裝需求請事先告知


[退換貨] 1)退換貨在商品還未寄出英國前可提出。退換貨依據原店家政策,店家若不可退還現金則無法退款,若退款不含退還英國運費則買家需付。若產生寄回費用在退款中扣除。寄回換貨可能出現商品已賣完的狀況則連絡退款。 (2)通常英國店家只提供30天或14天退貨期,買家收到再寄回有可能超過退貨期。請買家確認品項和價格 (3)"網購七天鑑賞期"問題,代購為代理人服務為客製化給付非網站購物零售,沒有存貨,不適用七天鑑賞期


[外盒碰撞] 商品為賣場出貨無法確保商品外包裝狀況完美無缺,若為集貨會提供照片或詢問是否可接受。在國際運輸的過程中,外盒難免有碰撞可能導致的盒損,盒損不在保險範圍


[訂單取消] 店家可因任何理由取消訂單買家不得因被取消究責賣家。賣家因任何理由取消訂單退還買家下單金額

[尺吋錯誤] 通常尺寸有UK, EU, US, JP尤其是UK和US最容易搞錯,會相差兩個版。請確實查看鞋子衣服上的標示並告知是英國UK尺寸 還是其他國家尺寸。 若買家只告知數字,會先詢問是哪國尺碼,若已經填寫完整便直接依據告知下單。 若在收到後才知有錯需更換,請買家寄回英國需自行支付國際運費和扣除英國運費。會再幫忙查看廠商退貨政策,時限和以及確認退款金額

[折扣碼或樣品] 買家提單時若有折扣碼請先提出報價會按折扣碼報價。若未提出或是不在代購文章中提及倫敦人有保留任何折扣碼優惠或附加樣品的權力

[商品檢查] 通常英國寄出前倫敦人會有免費簡易商品檢查,檢查時會開包裝若不希望商品被開請告知。檢查為是否為訂購之商品或是重大瑕疵。平價商品例如鞋子製造時不免有些許不完美,若無法接受下單前請三思。倫敦人雖提供簡易商品檢查但不負責最後商品不滿意保證,買家若不滿意可自行依照店家政策郵寄返還店家




  1. 酒精類、煙草、電子煙油、茶葉(需報關)

  2. 種子、種球及植物花草

  3. 肉類及肉類製品,容易變質或需冷藏食品

  4. 精油、香水、香氛噴霧、蠟燭、洗刷水、指甲油、蠟或含有酒精的易燃物 (可海運代替)

  5. 侵入性或特定醫療用品例如心電圖機、血氧偵測機、針筒、刺青針、隱形眼鏡、衛生棉條

  6. 腐蝕性物質、易燃物、空壓瓶、噴漆 等任何的高壓空氣瓶

  7. 電池、行動電源

  8. 武器類或刀類商品、槍械及相關配件

  9. 處方藥品、管制藥品及毒品

  10. 超貴重名錶、珠寶飾品、珍貴古董文物等

  11. 色情相關違禁物品

  12. 其他法律禁止進口或出口的貨物

By purchasing with Londoner Ltd, you will agree to the following purchasing and delivery terms and conditions: 


[Delivery time]

It takes about 7 working days for UK delivery and additional 5-14 working days for international delivery

[Shipment Loss Insurance Premium]

a) Free insurance is maximum £50 per item and a maximum of £100 per the whole order. If parcel is lost, the insurance value will be compensated according to the insured amount. 

b) The official 7-11 shop compensation policy of store to store shipment is only up to NT$5,000 

c) High-value products can be insured by additional cost 

[Customs Duty]

The customs and duty generated in case of direct shipping are paid by the buyer in cash to the freight forwarder according to the customs documents. 


The packaging of goods is environmentally friendly. If you have special packaging requirements, please contact us in advance.

[Returns and Exchanges]

1) Returns and exchanges can be made before the goods are shipped abroad. Returns and exchanges are based on the original store's policy. If the store has non-refundable policy, it cannot be refunded. If return policy of the original store does not include the refund of UK shipping, shipping cost will not be refunded. If there is a return fee, it will be deducted from the refund. 

2) Usually UK stores only provide a 30-day or 14-day return period, any returns must be received back within the return period of the original store.  

[Packaging damage]

The product is shipped from the store and we cannot ensure that the outer packaging of the product is in perfect condition. If the condition of the product is not perfect, we will provide photos and ask if the condition is acceptable. In the process of international transportation, the outer box may be damaged, which is not covered by insurance.


[Order Cancellation]

The store can cancel the order for any reason. The buyer cannot hold the seller responsible for any cancellation. 

In case of cancellation, the buyer will be refunded the amount paid. ​

[Sizing error]

Usually the sizes are in UK, EU, US, JP, especially UK and US are the most likely to be mistaken. Be sure to check the markings on the shoes and clothing and tell if it is a UK size or another country size. If the buyer only informs the number, we will first confirm with you which country size it is. If you know there is a sizing error and want to exchange the  goods after receiving them, you must send the goods back to us (UK) in original sealed condition and pay the international shipping fee and deduct the UK shipping fee. Goods needs to be received back within the original store's refund policy.  


[Prohibited items]

These are the items that cannot be purchased or are prohibited:

Alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarette oil, tea (customs declaration required)

Seeds, bulbs and plants

Meat and meat products that are prone to spoilage or require refrigeration

Essential oils, perfumes, scented sprays, candles, scrubs, nail polish, waxes, or flammables containing alcohol (substitute by sea)

Invasive or specific medical supplies such as electrocardiographs, blood oxygen monitors, syringes, tattoo needles, contact lenses, tampons

Corrosive substances, flammable substances, compressed air bottles, spray paint and any other high pressure air bottles

battery, power bank

Weapons or knives, firearms and related accessories

Londoner Ltd reserves the rights to refuse to purchase any other dangerous or forbidden items. 



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